
Johnston, Terry C. Ride the Moon Down.  New York:   Bantam Books. 1998.


"Packed with people, action, and emotion... makes you wish it would never end."

Taken from the book jacket by: CC 9/21/1999.

McMurtry, Larry. Boone’s Lick. New York: Simon & Schuster. 2000.


This novel is told from the viewpoint of fifteen-year-old Shay Cecil as he and his family set out to cross the plains in search of their father, with no clear idea of where he is. They pick up new members along the way. The party encounters hostile Indians, severe weather and frightening run-ins with grizzly bears.

Annotation by ck 12/6/00.

Brown, Irene Bennett. Long Road Turning. Unity: Five Star. 2000.


"Cassidy Curran’s wagon has just been hijacked by three bedraggled strangers on their way to Dodge City. On the run from an abusive husband, Cassidy agrees to share her wagon with Grandma Spicy, Lucy Ann, and Laddie as they search for their uncle. When they arrive in Dodge City, they learn that the uncle has died, leaving only a small tract of land to Laddie. Cassidy trades for another parcel and they build themselves a home soon joined by other women and children in need of a safe place. Harassed by a cattle rancher who wants her land, and a constant fear of a bounty hunter her husband has hired to find her, Cassidy struggles to maintain her farm. The group starts a road ranch for travelers and sets up a newspaper and post office. Through heartbreak and joy the homestead thrives, leaving Cassidy to realize that she must find a way to free herself from the past."

Annotation from back of book by ck 12/21/00.

Ed. Estleman, Loren D. American West: Twenty New Stories from the Western Writers of America.
New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC. 2001.


"American West is not the stuff of what is patronizingly referred to as the "traditional" western."

These "western" stories are told from the perspective of "Blacks and Indians, Hispanics and Asians, Jews and Gentiles, Mormons and Catholics, women and men."

Annotation from inside cover by ck 12/22/00.

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